The Industry Day is organized under the activities of Cost Action MP1307 Stable Next-Generation Photovoltaics: Unraveling degradation mechanisms of Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells by complementary characterization techniques (StableNextSol).

The host institution will be the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon (Portugal).

The programme aims to bring together some of the most important companies and researchers from academia to present and discuss scientific and technological challenges on the field of Printed/Organic Electronics and Third Generation Solar Cells.

The agenda will include a number of invited talks by representatives of companies making innovative progresses on the topics and flash and poster presentations from participants seeking contact with industry.



 Organic, Dye-sensitised, Perovskite, and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Solar Cells

 Printed Organic and Large Area Electronics

Optoelectronic Materials for Printing and Coating Technologies

 Device Characterization and Modeling 

Auspices and Sponsors